Berachah is the house in the centre
of the picture in front of the three evergreen trees
Glastonbury, ‘Avalon of the Heart’
is an other worldly paradise.
It is a sacred land, known as the Isle of Avalon,
abundant in myths, legends and spiritual energy,
where deep transformative processes can take place within us.
Glastonbury is a magical place of personal pilgrimage and spiritual unfoldment where the veils are thinnest between the invisible worlds, the inner and outer realities.
Berachah, a beautiful split-level house is built into the slopes of Glastonbury Tor, an ancient mystical site, and overlooks the healing, regenerative iron-based waters of the red spring of The Chalice Well Gardens. The house stands between the healing calcium-based waters of The White Spring, and the lower footpath leading up to Glastonbury Tor.
From the Breakfast room, there are wonderful panoramic views over the Vale of Avalon and Wearyall Hill.
Berachah was once part of Chalice Orchard, where the writer and occultist, Dion Fortune used to live.
The house, standing on the original site of her Temple, was designed and built by a Welsh architect who named it Berachah,
meaning ‘Place of special spiritual blessing’.
is an other worldly paradise.
It is a sacred land, known as the Isle of Avalon,
abundant in myths, legends and spiritual energy,
where deep transformative processes can take place within us.
Glastonbury is a magical place of personal pilgrimage and spiritual unfoldment where the veils are thinnest between the invisible worlds, the inner and outer realities.
Berachah, a beautiful split-level house is built into the slopes of Glastonbury Tor, an ancient mystical site, and overlooks the healing, regenerative iron-based waters of the red spring of The Chalice Well Gardens. The house stands between the healing calcium-based waters of The White Spring, and the lower footpath leading up to Glastonbury Tor.
From the Breakfast room, there are wonderful panoramic views over the Vale of Avalon and Wearyall Hill.
Berachah was once part of Chalice Orchard, where the writer and occultist, Dion Fortune used to live.
The house, standing on the original site of her Temple, was designed and built by a Welsh architect who named it Berachah,
meaning ‘Place of special spiritual blessing’.
View of Berachah from the Chalice Well Gardens